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Dr. Dorris S. Woods's Bio

Dr. Woods is a native of Mississippi.  After graduating at the top of her high school class, she left to go to work in Des Moines, Iowa.  Her family had not money for college.

After working for about a year, her break came when cousin Carrie told her about a nursing school in Atlanta, Georgia.  She applied and was accepted to the Grady Memorial Hospital School of Nursing.  She likes the quote: “Atlanta Can’t Live Without Grady”,

Dr. Woods began her career as a pediatric charge nurse at Grady.  After completing state board exams, she went to work at Children’s Hospital in Chicago in Nursing Administration.  She left after two years to attend Indiana University in Bloomington, another recommendation by cousin Carrie.  She married her husband Burton upon graduation and moved to California.

Since that time, she has earned a second master’s degree in Counseling at Cal State University.  A Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from NYU.   A double master’s degree at UCLA, one in pediatrics/administration, the other in mental health.  She later earned a doctorate from Claremont Graduate University.  Post-doctoral work was completed at UCLA. She “loves the classroom.” She ranks at the eight-eight percentile of people educated in America

Dr. Woods began her writing with the book, “Breaking Point:  Fighting to End American’s Teenage Suicide Epidemic!”  She has written many articles on the topic and conducted Workshops.  Her second book, “How to Prevent Diabetes-I beat It And You Can, Too!”  Currently, she just completed a manuscript,” The Unprovoked Assault on Reproductive Rights”, to be published soon.

Her proudest accomplishment is being recognized by Marquis’ Who’s Who with the 2200 Distinguished Humanitarian Award.  “This has been a life-long way of behavior”, she says.

Dr. Woods is a widow.  She is the mother of three children.  She lives in Culver City, CA

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